Deep Thoughts – Creator God(s)

Deep thoughts on science and religion. I’ve always been in the habit of mixing science and spirituality. Mythology is generally the mortal attempt to explain and understand the infinite. Man created the Gods by giving them names and stories and faces since it can be difficult to relate on a personal level to a glowing ball of light. Or a presence so immense as to be infinite. Generally speaking most Gods were human before they were Gods. Ancestor worship on a grand scale.

I seem fixated on the death of the Creator God sometimes. It usually manifests itself in the story of Ymir. I am quite certain the Creator has been destroyed…that They are Dead…but since time is not linear, and the nature of energy is to change, not actually be destroyed, the Creator is still with us but also still in Their original form. As my good friend at Foxglove and Firmitas said to me once, “Welcome to Camp Yes/No!”. This quote works for so many things, but I digress. This interest manifests in a scientific sense for me as The Big Bang and practices of the scientific methods like the Loss on Ignition. There is always something lost in the change. Much matter was destroyed in The Big Bang’s ignition but a lot was created. And since not all of the Creator was destroyed, that energy is still with us, in us, around us. But They are diminished. 

Science has been weaving nicely into my spirituality lately. It feels right and more in depth and well rounded, to have myth and science coincide. This also happens when I find more tid bits of history, archeology, and that sort of info too. I’ve just been watching a lot of science shows with my son lately so it’s something I’ve had the chance to think about.

There will be more science and spirituality posts! 

Never Let Me Down Again

“Never Let Me Down Again”

I’m taking a ride
With my best friend
I hope he never lets me down again
He knows where he’s taking me
Taking me where I want to be
I’m taking a ride
With my best friend

We’re flying high
We’re watching the world pass us by
Never want to come down
Never want to put my feet back down
On the ground

I’m taking a ride
With my best friend
I hope he never lets me down again
Promises me I’m safe as houses
As long as I remember who’s wearing the trousers
I hope he never lets me down again

Never let me down

See the stars, they’re shining bright
Everything’s alright tonight

via Imminent Eviction — Queen of the Waiting Ones I’ve gone back and forth all day over whether or not to share this here, but the bottom line is, my pride means fuck all when compared to the welfare of my children. Also, I have significantly more followers here than I do on social media, and so more likelihood of reaching my financial […]

via Imminent Eviction — Queen of the Waiting Ones


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