Pooka and Dreams

I’ve been having some really intense dreams of late. Night before last I was visited by a dark skinned warrior God, think Eli from The Book of Eli, strangely enough. That is a post in and of itself that I will get to at a later date.

Last night in my dreams I had a visit from a Pooka. The Pooka is described by some as a goblin and by others as one of the Aos Si, the fairy folk, a nature spirit. Depending on who you talk to they can be benevolent or malicious. The one that visited me came in the form of a black Irish Wolfhound, a female I would say going by the size, with white feet and a white patch on the chest. Seemed a bit wary but most definitely friendly. She appeared at the feet of a man, a very tall man with red curly hair. Incidentally in my dream this man was technically a good friend I had in high school but with dreams things are never as they seem. She appeared from behind him, stood by his feet for a moment before scampering about in the grass and tree’s at the side of the road, (we were standing at a bus stop), looking back at me from time to time, tongue lolling and one of those sweet doggy smiles. I suppose there is a good chance she was trying to get me to come along. I will meditate again tonight and see if she returns.


This image came from PuppySites.com, which links to Avoglia Irish Wolfhounds

Lent – Day 11 or My Thoughts In The Desert

Allah is the Many, the One and Nothing,
Male, Female and neither.

Allah has many faces, many voices,
Who am I to question the validity of any Path?

By communing with and honouring the many faces of God
Am I not following the Law of Love?
To Love all that is in Allah’s creation, in all it’s many forms?

If All has come from Allah,
All is Allah’s Creation,
When I speak to An Morrigan, Cernunnos, Cailleach Bheur,
Am I not speaking to Allah?

Lent 2013 – Day 2 to 4

Thursday, Day 2, I did well except for dinner. We were at my In-Laws for dinner and had pork for dinner. It was tasty. 😉

Friday, Day 3, Was a bloody disaster, started off well with a banana and almonds but then ate crap for the rest of the day and a lot of it.

Saturday, Day 4, Today! Doing quite well! All healthy food and no meat and smaller portions.


For all three days I have mostly avoided TV and too much useless internet time. Spending more time with my son. Lighting candles and praying everyday, not just the daily run on prayer but time taken to actually pray. Reading the Quran, will soon be starting the Gospel of Matthew. Spend the day with my Mom yesterday, more family time.

Lent – Day One, Ash Wednesday

I am observing Lent this year. With my sudden interest in Monotheistic and Abrahamic Faith’s it seems only fitting. While I technically consider myself a Sufi Muslim at this point which means part of what I believe is that Jesus was a prophet but not God made flesh, I don’t see why I can’t reflect on his trial through the desert and find ways to bring myself closer to God.

Ways I am observing Lent (so far anyways):

No meat
Limited food intake, a sort of quasi fasting
Daily or preferably twice daily prayer (I’m still trying to get the hang of praying five times a day)

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Imbolc 2013

First Imbolc with the Little Man. Never payed much attention to the Holy Days besides Samhain and Yule. The little guy has brought more meaning to them. My celebrations were rather mundane. Started the Spring Cleaning. Set up the Homestead Planner for the month. Snuggled lots. Started a batch of fermented garlic. Made meatballs in tomato sauce, rice and creamed corn for dinner. The baking will have to wait until tomorrow. Also started a new journal. Will be written in, collaged and any other sort of artsyness I feel like. It was a good day.

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