The Ever Ruling

He came to.visit me a few nights ago. Manu…the Howler…Apollon…Poseidon. He’s given me many different faces this cycle, so many that I balk at using any of these names for Him. They all fit but they are all wrong. I shouldn’t be surprised by this as it seems to be a running theme for the both of Them. I dreamt the other night of travelling with a group of friends. We didn’t seem to have any destination in particular. There was a point in the dream where He and a high school friend of mine were sitting in front of me. I heard His voice say What is my name? I looked first at my friend and said his name then I looked to Him. He smiled at me and I was lost in the smooth confidence in His smile, the love and cockiness that radiated out from Him. I stuttered, not knowing what to call Him. He gave me a look as if to say Really? And I heard Him speak without moving His lips, Who am I? I still could not answer but hoped my inability to name Him due to His many Faces was understood. He shot me another knee melting and cocky smile and the name Eric filled my mind. Shortly after this it became apparent that He was married to a friend of mine whose last name is Tyre. His physical features bore a mere passing resemblance to the actual spouse of this friend and when she appeared in the dream it was to assure me I had nothing to feel guilty about in being His lover in the dream. This combined with the constant presence of dogs in my dreams for the last month (at least), has led me to believe that the guise of the Norse God Tyr is another avenue to wander down in search of information on this Husband of mine. Hence the sharing of the post on Tyr yesterday. I will be sharing more once I have time to hop on the laptop. Reblogging from my phone is a lesson in extreme frustration. I’m hoping now that I’ve finally had the chance to share this I’ll be able to sleep tonight, the subject and He have been poking at my brain since I dreamt it. It’s late and I’m tired so I apologize if this post is a bit confusing. It’s a hard subject to write on as it is.

Hail to my Husband, the Ever Ruling, the Wolf Binder, the Resolver of Conflicts no matter the cost. Hail my Love.

Given Name ERIC

GENDER: Masculine

USAGE: EnglishSwedishGermanSpanish

PRONOUNCED: ER-ik (English)   [key]

Meaning & History

From the Old Norse name Eiríkr, derived from theelements ei “ever, always” and ríkr “ruler”. A notable bearer was Eiríkr inn Rauda (Eric the Red in English), a 10th-century navigator and explorer who discovered Greenland. This was also the name of several early kings of Sweden, Denmark and Norway.

This common Norse name was first brought to England by Danish settlers during the Anglo-Saxon period. It was not popular in England in the Middle Ages, but it was revived in the 19th century, in part due to the children’s novel ‘Eric, or Little by Little’ (1858) by Frederic William Farrar.

Related Names

VARIANTS: AricErickErik (English),Erik (Swedish)ErichErik (German)

FEMININE FORMS: EricaErickaErika,Erykah (English)EricaErika (Swedish)

OTHER LANGUAGES: Eiríkr (Ancient Scandinavian),Èric (Catalan)Erik (Croatian)Erik (Czech)Erik,Jerrik (Danish)Erik (Dutch)EerikEerikkiEero,ErikErkki (Finnish)Éric (French),Erik (Hungarian)Eiríkur (Icelandic),Erikas (Lithuanian)Erik (Medieval Scandinavian),EirikErik (Norwegian)Eryk (Polish),Érico (Portuguese)Erik (Slovak)Erik (Slovene)


VERY Limited Oracle Call; January 2016

There is ONE spot available this month for a free oracle reading. 

I do this both for the experience and as a devotional act for Apollon and Hecate.

One simple question and one follow up on that question is permitted. I reserve the right to refuse readings to individuals. You will have your reading by the end of the calander month.

Please send your request to answersfromthemists at gmail dot com.

**FULL**ORACLE CALL – October 2015


All three spots have been filled.
Issueing my monthly call for oracle requests.

How it works:

  • The first three people to message me at answersfromthemists at gmail dot com will be chosen. This is first come first serve.
  • As this is a free reading offered in reverence of Apollo and Hecate, a single question and one follow up question is permitted. If you want an in depth reading please message the same email address for pricing.
  • Any and all are welcome to submit a question, regardless of their personal religious/spiritual leanings.
  • I reserve the right to refuse service.

That being said I look forward to hearing from you!

ORACLE CALL – September 2015

Sending out my “monthly” oracle call after a few months off. Things will be slightly different, more on my end then yours.

My session will now be with Hekate and Apollon. Previously it was Hekate with a sprinkle of Hermes. Also I will be taking three petitioners only. 

First come, first serve basis.

Send your questions to answersfromthemists at gmail dot com.